PINK OUT, Women’s Cancer Fund

As I do every spring, I attend the Pink Out Women’s Cancer Fund event.  It is a night that is filled with fun, friendship, food and awe.  Money is raised for the Pink Out Fund, information is  HERE.  Please make a donation!

The mansion is a beautiful piece of architecture and design in itself but it is totally decorated in pink for this event.  The girls in the committee are all dressed in a theme outfit and we are greeted at the door by Jane Rice with a hug, a hug that is one that you would give your best friend as she enters your home for a girl’s night.  The committee women’s husbands wearpink polo shirts; they direct the parking and offer you a ride to the mansion in golf carts.  There are tall pink flags waving in the evening breeze as you drive up to the mansion, gorgeous pink flower arrangements are placed throughout the rooms (donated and crafted from plastic bottles and bags and painted), tables are adorned with pink fabric and ribbons, and beautifully hand-blown glass hats and purses dress the tables outside in the backyard.  The drinks for the evening are of a pink nature of course, made with cranberry or pomegranate juices, pink plates and napkins, pink food ~ pasta with a pink sauce and salmon, even the salad dressing had a pink hue to it! 

The entire place is filled with women in pink, it looks like a pepto bismol bottle exploded!  It’s one the most wonderful things you can experience.  The sister-hood, the love, the caring.  And then you are humbled when you see someone that is obviously undergoing chemo treatments.  I ran into a friend that I hadn’t seen in a long time.  She had no hair and my heart instantly ached for her.  She told me that she shaved her head for her daughter-in-law who has breast cancer.  LOVE

Volunteers for the evening, also in a theme outfit but different from the committee girls, are walking around all evening collecting your empty plates and cups.  There is also a  silent auction and raffle drawings. 

Then Jane speaks, her story of surviving cancer is amazing and makes me tear up every time.  A guest speaker spoke last night, a young woman; I could not move from where I was standing.  As she was introduced by her friend, it was mentioned that she was a tough cookie; she also mentioned a t-shirt that this young woman wore, it read “hey cancer, you picked the wrong bitch”.  And cancer did.  This young woman’s story was shocking and heartwarming and I couldn’t help but cry.  She had a doctor appointment, had her breast exam and was given a clean bill of health, in a matter of 2 months I believe; she did her own breast exam and found the lump that changed her life.  She talked about how she wanted to “feel” what cancer was like so for a few days she didn’t take some medicine, which she said looking back was probably not a good thing, but she still wanted to feel it.  After a treatment she was so sick but still went to work, had to excuse herself and then went back to work.  She did then take the meds, and she said that she really couldn’t explain why she wanted to do that but she did.  She also told us how she would have a treatment and then go home to put on her bikini, hop on the John Deere and mow her yard.  Yea I think she might be a tough girlie!  She told us though, she was still depressed and sad BUT she was not going to let cancer live her life, she was going to learn to live her life with cancer. 

After she spoke and walked away we were asked if we remembered a young bald girl 2 years ago in a pink fluffy dress, a lot of us agreed that yes we did, that was her and she will be celebrating 2 years of being cancer free this month. 

Next, Jane asked all the women in the room that had breast, ovarian or uterine cancer to come forward.   Women from all corners of the room walked up, some beside me.  I just cried.  They held hands and stood around a tree that was decorated with names of those being remember or honored with women’s cancer.   It was so moving. 

At the end of the night as you walk outside you are greeted by the husbands in pink polo shirts again.  They help you down the steps, hand you a gift and escort you to your car in the golf cart.  They use lights to guide you out of the cart and walk you to your car, open your car door and get you in the car safely.  And finally, they tell you “get home safely”.

People that care. Friends, family.  Amazing.  Please make a donation, this is a wonderful organization.

Ladies, do your breast exams!!!

Women Over 50

This was sent to me in an email, I love it and had to share it!


“As I grow in age, I value women over 50 most of all.

Here are just a few reasons why:


A woman over 50 will never wake you in the middle of the night & ask, ‘What are you thinking?’ She doesn’t care what you think.


 If a woman over 50 doesn’t want to watch the game, she doesn’t sit around whining about it. She goes and does something she wants to do,

& it’s usually more interesting.


 Women over 50 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant.

Of course, if you deserve it, they won’t hesitate to shoot you,

if they think they can get away with it.


 Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved.

They know what it’s like to be unappreciated.


 Women get psychic as they age.

You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 50.


 Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 50 is far sexier

 than her younger counterpart.


 Older women are forthright and honest..

They’ll tell you right off if you are a jerk or if you are acting like one.

 You don’t ever have to wonder where you stand with her.


 Yes, we praise women over 50 for a multitude of reasons.

 Unfortunately, it’s not reciprocal.

For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 50,

there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself

 with some 22-year old waitress.

Ladies, I apologize.


 For all those men who say,

‘Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?’

 Here’s an update for you.

Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage.


Because women realize it’s not worth buying an entire pig

just to get a little sausage!”

Meeting New People

My Aunt once told me that I could meet a total stranger, strike up a conversation and have a new friend in a matter of minutes.  She’s probably right, I have been blessed with a ton of friends.  Since 2003 I have moved to two different cities and then back home and I can honestly tell you I have a trail of friendships along the way.  It’s so easy for me to just start talking and become friends.

Tonight at the gym was no different.  Tonight I met this woman and we chatted our time away on the treadmill.  What an inspiration she is.  We were comparing our diet plans, workout routines and then got to our health and weight gain.  That’s when she really captured my attention and I realized I wasn’t talking to someone who just happened to be beside me.  Anyone of us could have been dealt the hand she was dealt but not many of us could endure what she has.  She patiently listened to my story of divorce and losing my parents so close together, then having to go through their home of almost 50 years and clean it out.  It was a difficult time for me but she had it much much worse. 

She battled stage 4 uterine cancer.  And won.  Then joined the gym and lost 50 pounds to boot!!  How awesome is that!  She has a husband and small kids, and is cancer free and taking better care of herself.  Stage 4 cancer.  Beat it.  I cannot imagine, and I hope I never do but what an inspiration!!! 

We all have our stories, every one of us.  And each story has some sort of a battle, whether it be cancer, divorce, or death.  Each one of us hurts, and heals, and eventually inspires another lost soul.  I also believe we all cross paths for a reason.  Whether it be a moment to chat or a blossoming friendship but all for a reason, a lesson learned perhaps.  So, go out and meet someone new.  Inspire, or be inspired.

Love to all!

A Special Friendship

Hmm where to begin….
I met a man many years ago. An elderly man that volunteered at the hospital.  At the time I worked in Cardiac.  We quickly became friends as he transported patients in and out of my unit.  His wife also volunteered, she passed away shortly after I started at the hospital.  I then transferred to the Volunteer Department and our friendship blossomed.  We had many chats on everything you could imagine.  He was a very prominent man in the community and church.  He was a WWII veteran and often spoke of his time overseas.  He was a pilot and was shot down.  He was rescued and survived under the attentive care of the village women and children.  He and his lovely wife visited the village often through the years as they had built special friendships.  When his wife passed away he returned to the village.  They had prepared a memorial for her.  I think it stands beside the memorial they have for his heroism in the war for protecting them.  I loved hearing his stories.  Especially the war stories, some of them cheerful and comical, he rarely spoke of the unkind acts.  But mostly of his and his buddies survival.
Then I moved away for four years, we stayed in touch via email.  When I returned home for weekend family time I often stopped at the hospital.  We’d hug and chat some more.  Now, I’ve moved back home.  After a year in a different job at the hospital, my old job became available, and turned out to be mine once again.  We picked up right where we left off.  I remember my first day back in the volunteer office, what an incredible bear hug I received.  His age has caught up with him, he no longer transports patients but instead dispatchs for the transports.  That kept him at the desk but still in a very busy area of the hospital.
He began having some health issue’s.  Then I received the dreaded phone call from his daughter, he was given 2-4 weeks due to kidney failure.  He seemed to not be ready to give in to his illness, so his family moved him to a very nice nursing home where he enjoys the best care.  Hospice visits too.  I needed to visit him for what I knew would be the last time.  Surprisingly he looks wonderful.  He looked up at me at the door, the biggest smile I have ever seen filled his beautiful face and once again he wrapped his arms around me for my last bear hug.  He is still just as sharp as ever.  He also told me about a boat ride at our lake the following day.  He seemed a little nervous but I know he’ll gather his strength and have a wonderful time. 
And, he told me another story, the last one I would ever hear from him.  He bought his wife a diamond tennis bracelet, it contained a diamond for every year of their blissful marriage, they were so in love.  Over the years he has taken a diamond from that bracelet and made a piece of jewelry for his family.  Earrings for his daughters, grand-daughters, and great grand-daughters.  The men of the family got a diamond tie clip.  I wanted to cry right then and there from the beauty of the story but I couldn’t.  The love and joy from him consumed me. 
He has touched so many lives, has made so many friendships over the years, it’s just not time yet.  There are still good-byes to made.  Friends to see one more time.  He knows his time is coming and he has accepted it with the courage and faith that I knew he would.  A beautiful man.  A lovely person.
I had to share, I am blessed to have had his friendship and share in his life.  I hope you all have met someone like this.