Shopping at the Dollar Store

Some people wrinkle their noses at the mere mention of shopping at the dollar store. If that’s you, have you given any of the dollar stores a chance??  Dollar Store, Dollar General, they’re all pretty much the same.  Okay, sure one store has everything marked at $1 and the other might be a little bit more but it’s still extremely a buck or two!!

And if you’re like most of us these days, you have to do what you can to save.  The older I get, the wiser I become and the cheaper I get too!!! I’d love to retire in about 10 years so I’m super careful about how I spend my money.

When I need wrapping paper, gift bags, tissue paper or bows and ribbon, I’m heading to the dollar store. The selection is usually really nice, but for Christmas it’s the best value for your ….. dollar!!

Dollar store holiday  Dollar store holiday 2
Holiday decor, ornaments, and crafts; seriously you can’t beat it!!! Sure it’s not Pier One or Pottery Barn but with a little imagination, spray paint, and glue you can have some super cute decor!!!

Dollar store holiday decor

Anytime I need paper plates and napkins for a party or girls night I hit a dollar store. They have a variety of colors and for holiday gatherings the selection is usually  quite nice.   Same thing for party items; straws, balloons, crepe paper and tablecloths, you can make out like a bandit!!

Dollar store cards     Dollar store phone tablet section

I get my doggie poop bags, trash bags, batteries…. Oh and the hardware section isn’t bad either, be sure to check it out.  Certainly isn’t your top name brand tools that you want from Sears but nails for pictures, screw drivers, etc for just your basic home needs, it’ll work!!

Dollar store pet section

Candles, tape, picture frames.  Need to organize closets and drawers? Foil baking pans and freezer containers?  Stop at the $ store first! You’d be amazed at what you can find and make work!!

Dollar store candles  Dollar store organization 2  Dollar store kitchen

I like to shop for little stocking stuffers, especially for the grandkids. And for gift bags for adults , if you’re looking for little things to add to the gift you can surely find some things that will work.

Dollar store toys

Lucky for me there’s one of these little treasure stores beside my grocery store so it’s easy to make a run through before I hit the big store.

So, next time you need to shop, stop at one of the many dollar stores in your area first.

Live well friends!!