Daydreaming about winning the lottery!!

Raise your hand if you daydream about what it would be like to win the big lottery!

Most people say the first thing they would do would be to quit their job. I think I would hold onto mine until all of my finances would be in order. Then, BUH-BYE!

A lot of people would travel, buy a bigger house and a new car. A few might say they’d donate some to a charity.

I would most likely do some traveling. My dream vacation would be to spend about 3 to 4 weeks in Italy. Then off to Paris for a little.

I can only daydream about what it must be like to be able to just wander around these cute little towns and sample the food and wine, learn about the culture, and shop.

What fun it would be to visit all of the sites to learn about the history of the towns that I have only read about.

There are plenty of locations right here in the US that I really need to see first.

I think the daydream I have the most fun with is that I would buy a small farm, remodel the house and barns, and then rescue horses. I have no idea how to care for them so I would most definitely need to win enough money to pay someone to help me care for them.

Maybe I could even go with a bigger farm and give riding lessons! Not that I know how to do that either BUT, I have always, and I mean always, LOVED horses!

I would have lots of vegetable and flower gardens. And having bee hives is a must, I want to help get the bee population back up. And chickens!!! Must have chickens!

I would have a grand greenhouse. A pottery craft room. A lavish craft room to paint and sew. And a gourmet kitchen.

But then I think I would also want to start to flip houses. Not your everyday homes but find older homes with the old details and character that contractors no longer build. Can you imagine doing away with decades of dirt, or layers of flooring and drywall to uncover the details and architecture that has been covered and hidden! And to restore what was damaged or removed.

I would want to do some charity donations. Child hunger is something I would definitely want to help with, there are so many families in my area that cannot afford to pay for their child’s lunches at school. Nor have enough food at home.

Also, suicide prevention has been a deep passion of mine for a very long time. My brother died from suicide in 1986, my nephew in 2001, and a very dear friend in 2018. I have visions of some sort of brick and mortar house or office space that is open 24/7 where people that are dealing with suicidal thoughts or depression could come for comfort, support, direction for therapy and counseling, and so on.

But yes, I do have awesome visions of me just lounging on the deck of my beach house just enjoying the warm breeze, ocean waves and the sea gulls chattering while I sip a fruity drink and read a book. This is most likely the most realistic dream!

What are your lottery winning dreams?

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